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(152/185) 342 - Beauty plugin for JavaScript

Currently there is no way to beautify javascript code.

Submitted ezust - 2014-10-11 16:37:21.802000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2014-10-13 21:27:47.909000

Drop the attached into your ~/.jedit/plugins/beauty.BeautyPlugin folder and then use the Beauty plugin. Let me know how it works, I really haven't used it much. (895B)

2014-10-13 21:35:15.006000

Actually, no, you shouldn't have to do that. It's already included in the plugin and should already be there. Let me know if it's not, since it would be a bug if it isn't. To use it, go to Plugins - Plugin Options - Beauty - Modes and select "javascript:custom" for the javascript mode.

<s>A side note -- I also have one for json files that works very well, I'll make a note to include it in the next release of the Beauty plugin.</s> I should double check before I write, the json parser is already included, use "json:beauty" in the modes configuration.

2015-09-01 22:58:21.610000

Alan, did you ever get a chance to try this out?